Atelier Arty Apparel : Art & Emotion
S.L. : C’est arrivé comme une évidence en décembre 2014. A l’époque j’étais encore salariée dans une société d’événementiel donc déjà dans un milieu créatif.
S.L.: La collection que je propose est une première collection, sachant que je suis en train de la structurer pour aller vers le haut de gamme. L’impression numérique se fait de deux façons, soit on fait de la sublimation et il faut un tissu de plus de 50% polyester, la sublimation permet de garder un pigment très vif, soit on travaille des matières naturelles comme la soie ou le coton et il y a alors quatre opérations et le procédé est plus complexe en terme de rendu couleur.
J’ai trouvé ce procédé photographique pour concrétiser grâce à l’optique, ce que Léonard de Vinci avait déjà observé :
C.T.: Voici une belle aventure, qui réunit dans un même élan artistique, deux artistes passionnés, deux générations puisque l’un est beau-père et l’autre belle-fille.
S.L.: It happened as a no-brainer in December 2014. At the time I was still employed in an events company so already in a creative environment. The project was born at that time, there were different sources that obviously converged to get there.
S.L.: The collection that I propose is a first collection, knowing that I am trying to structure it to go towards the high end. Digital printing is done in two ways, either sublimation and a fabric of more than 50% polyester, the sublimation makes it possible to keep a very sharp pigment, either one works natural materials such as silk or cotton and there are then 4 operations and the process is more complicated and more risky in color rendering baths. My aim at the beginning is to have the reproduction of the work, so I work mainly sublimation and therefore polyester; but to make more high-end the product I associate it with more noble materials.
C.T.: It is a photographic originalityThe photographs taken in the studio are macro photographies (around a square centimeter) of drops of oil paint, of a great variety of mixed colors, arranged on a flat surface. The intuitive eye of the photographer frames them according to shapes and colors presumed as harmonious. Among thousands of shots, an almost miraculous beauty sometimes arises raw matter. I found this photographic process to concretize thanks to optics, what Leonardo da Vinci had already observed:
C.T.: Here is a beautiful adventure, which brings together in two artistic impulses two passionate artists, two generations since one is stepfather and the other stepdaughter. In Amboise, a pretty corner of the "Jardin de France" that is the Touraine, my pictures were wise as are the pictures, well arranged in the Studio Photos.