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La Révérencieuse, écrin pour mets d’exception

Sébastien Woirin

Watching a movie, specifically an American series "Shameless" where a waitress was dropping his tray. And I do not know why I had this click at that moment, because I told myself that we had to find a solution to improve the object. So I imagined a new service tray. And by dint of drawing I quickly arrived at a sphere. Simply to secure the glasses, close the sphere, and move so that it can not fall.At first I wanted to make a platter of service and I arrived at the competitor of the bucket with a champagne box that highlights the dishes. So it's really by opportunism and over thought that history has evolved. And in the beginning it was not thought of champagne but rather for everything related to bar or restaurant service. At the same time I began to think about the material and the mode of production. When you start from scratch you have to think everything. So that's really the beginning. The choice was simple to take; either produce very far with a material of the plastic type or plexiglass so make volume. In this context we would have been on an inexpensive product and it would have been a more financial story. Or to make an exceptional case, made in Paris by craftsmen. This is the one I chose. So all of this started in December 2012.

I did not imagine it immediately in brass, silver or bronze. I propose small series that are made by hand and in Paris. Why Paris? Because I am Parisian, I live in Paris, I am passionate about Paris and also because all the craftsmen with whom I work are all near my home, so proximity and important. I like to propose local know-how so that there is a real exchange and sharing with the customer who is not from Paris. It is necessary to value the craftsmen because it is part of the history and the transmission. Contrary to popular belief, there are many young people in the workshops.I want to make a production that makes sense.But the idea is to highlight the artisans of art, Paris and the champagne that is appreciated in the world.The Révérencieuse can be declined on other dishes such as caviar. Which is completely different. The sphere has no technology at all, it's metal, there's air between the metal parts. Ice cubes keep champagne or caviar cool for two hours. There is no heat shock because the bottle does not stay in the ice and the flutes are not at room temperature.It is a logical object and of common sense.If you take a champagne bucket, there are some beautiful but functionally it does not work.

The first one I looked for is the metal repeller because it is he who will make the half-spheres. There are very few in Paris.The problem is that we are not on a perfect half-sphere, and I needed a very particular know-how. Then I looked for a turner to make the base and the arch, a mechanical workshop to make the pivots. The pivot is a critical piece because it will hold all the other parts. One day I met a bronzer who liked the project.At first this bronzer found the project a little crazy but he followed me and especially he already knew the artisans with whom I work. He has been great advice for feasibility. For engravings also, because we have a thickness constraint, there is very little material.There are a lot of details to be aware of. The first prototype we made was not craftsmen who had made it but an artist. The product did not work but we had the DNA of the product we wanted to make.

By the artisans, right away. Because humanly I already knew this environment. In my old job I sold artistic locks and I often went to the workshops. That's what I preferred to do besides; the smell of metal, the exchanges with the craftsmen. They are passionate people, they are true. Everything is simple with them. They were the first to encourage me on this project. Because aesthetically the product they like, by the requirement of the manufacture that it requires and they are convinced that there is a real market.In the end it became a team effort. Can we imagine the sphere in another material? Yes, completely. We are working for the moment only metal.The only metal that can pose a problem is solid gold. We can only work in 18 carats because it is a metal that is too malleable. The champagne service weighs 18 kilos, so in terms of weight it should not be distorted. The slightest shock can be fatal.But I'm working on another material that is carbon. This material is widely used for the manufacture of boats and it has very interesting characteristics, such as strength and weight. The poly mirror brass shines brightly, you can make varnish, satin is softer to the touch. It should be known that at the end of two hours the sphere of the bottom condenses so one must think of this detail. Depending on the material it is not the same rendering.

At first they are attracted to the sphere. But above all, it's to see the effect when you open it! They are very surprised because they do not expect at all to discover the champagne service inside. The first ones who understood the interest of the product are the sommeliers and the majors of men. And that makes me very happy because they are people who are devoted body and soul to the service. People who like to serve are happy when they want to be happy.But I have other projects in mind!On the world for shoes, with a carousel waxing. I imagine it with a bronze bench tailor-made, with a carousel with different rags and different polishes. There is also a giant warhead with three openings; in the middle a cellar whiskey, on the left a cigar cellar and on the right of the universe of the game; with silver tokens, hand drawn card games. It will be bronze hammered with wood. This is a big project but a beautiful project too!


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